I been busy painting and weathering and I've been slow to update this blog. Okay 4 days to competition and so let me backdate the blog abit.
Since the update on the furniture build, there's a bit of a photo sequence jump. Somehow I forgot to shoot the photos of the base painting of the building. There were actually three layers of airbrushing done on the building at this point. The brickwork on the building, I used barnyard red with some orange colours to vary the colours.
I also painted the groundwork by this time. I primed with citadel scorched brown and used a combination of vallejo greys and sand colours.
On top of that I fitted a street lamp at the side of the building and weathered it by drybrushing rust colour over the black colours. I also drybrushed the lamp with a metallic grey colour.
Next I basecoated the troops with dark sea grey. Also, notice that I have added the German Pak 3.7cm anti tank gun in the line up. Another addition is the oil barrels from Tamiya's German oil drum set. These I primed with black and painted it with Mr Colour's German Grey.
And lastly the archway was primed with black and each brick was painted randomly using grey and sand colours from Vallejo. Pale sand colours were used for drybrushing to lighten the stonework so that it complements with the lighter surroundings. It still looks dark at that point I think.
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