Today is competition day and I took a few more photos and did last minute touch-ups after dat. Here are the photos. I have taken out some things and added some if you noticed. I took out the street lamp cause I placed the anti tank gun further back behind the archway. Another change was that I added posters at the side of the building.
Let me describe to you all the whole process of this project. It went like this:

SHOCKING cause I see no one at the competition. I'm very early! Do they give points for that? Darn! Judging is on Sunday.
Hopefully I could get a placing in the competition and have some more fun and fufilling modelling days ahead. Lets see what happens this Sunday. I'll snap more photos of the competition when I go back one of these days.
Looking awesome! It's hard to make those old Tamiya figures look good, especially without just covering them with aftermarket stuff like I did. But yours look fantastic!
I followed your link here from the Finescale forum, and I'm glad I did. A agree with you about the Mini-Art buildings, though. Too much filling and sanding on the edges. I'm lookuing for ways to get arouns all that - know any?
There's plenty of brands out there on the market,you can check Firestormmodels site if you like, Plastic and resin buildings a plenty. All these cause costs more than I can afford.
As for the Tamiya figures, I scratchbuild the helmet straps and used a combi of Vallejo, Mr Colour and Citadel Miniatures paint. Lots of layers and feathering done. I try not get aftermarket stuff$$$ for now.
Hey thanks again for dropping by.
Ayep, interesting! and your cats are cute as ever! :D
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